Hey germany, hey world...
like I said, I'm going to tell you about the last few weeks...!
At saturday the 6st my cheerteam had the first competition. We practices the night before(frieday) und than we all went to my coachs house. We curled our hair on haircurlers and sleeped with the curlern in the hair. At 5 o'clock in the morning we had to wake up and get dressed and so on... We made our make up and picked all our stuff up. At six o'clock we drove to the school and practiced one more time...After an hour the bus came to our school and we had to drive 1hour to the actuall place of the competition! We ate breakfast in the bus and had a lot of fun:).
When we arrived at the competition they told us which room we could use to get ready... We streched and at 9 o'clock the first team went on the floor! We had a great time and between the different teams all cheerleaders had "dancetime" on the floor...:)
At the end of the day we took the first place of the competition for the "big routine", for the"stundgroup routine" and for the "jump of". :):)
Another event was the snowcamp...we (the youthgroup) went to a camp in pennsylvania for the weekend of the 11th to 13th of january...
We meet right after school on frieday and came back on sunday! We played games and had a lot of fun! It was the Church youth group!! On the camp are they had a gym, with volleyball, basketball, gaga, tabletennis and so on! (We had a basketball turnament)... We went geocashing and sled down the tubehill! We played wii, playstation, made krafty things like frindship bracelets and just hung out! <3 It was a really nice weekend and we meet kids of two other groups...
And the newest news are, that I MOVED families the sunday after snowcamp... I don't really want to discribe detailed why and what was going on, but it just didn't work out in the other family... and so i decided the best choice to make would be moving out! Now I life with my bestfriend, now sister, katie(17), two younger brothers, Hunter(4) and Tyler(2) and a babysister almost 5 Month, and my parents Katie (28) and Dave (31)! I knew them since my first week here in Whitney Point and they life close to the School... They go to my church and it is always something going on :) It was hard, but I choose the right way!! <3 If you are interested to know more about that whole story just message me on facebook ;):)...
I try to write more often in the future, but I want you to know that I'm good and always busy:):*
Greeeeeets, Lotti:*
snowcamp |
playing games at snow camp... |
air guitar contest :D |
getting slush puppies at the gasstation in our pyjamas ;) |
The wether is so cold, that the bananashell frose on the car:P |
Eating oranges ! |
My Bedroom! Not done jet... |